Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dreams and telling

I had a miscarriage dream last night. :( I've had so many baby dreams in the past, but nothing since I got pregnant.

Yesterday, I went to our church's bookstore and got this "Expecting a miracle" book. The woman who was working there was so excited I'm pregnant. She said "A lot of people at this church are going to be very happy!" Then last night we told our priest (he's also a good friend who's our age). He was so happy for us and gave us a special blessing. DH had asked him to pray for us when we were TTC.

Starting to feel a little nauseated at times, but nothing too bad. I'm just glad I'm starting to feel more and more pregnant!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

It's so exciting!! You need to put a ticker up. :-) I just noticed that your due date is on Mother's Day!