Monday, November 16, 2009

Maternity Jeans!

I wore my first piece of maternity clothes yesterday... jeans! My regular jeans are too uncomfortable at the end of the day, so I bought a pair at Old Navy. It's strange having elastic wasted jeans, but they are much more comfortable. I can't wait to start feeling the baby. I'm really starting to feel more connected to him or her. I had an appointment last Thursday and I got to hear the baby's heart beating. My OB said she could hear it moving around a lot on the doppler. Wow! Our little one is moving around in there!
Pregnancy is such an amazing and beautiful thing!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Baby girl dream

I'm feeling better.. got tested for strep throat which was luckily negative.

I had a long detailed baby dream the other night. I had a baby girl and DH was really disappointed. Then I dreamt a lot about breastfeeding (luckily it was going really well in my dream). I saw lots of my extended family in my dream and it was a really good dream for the most part (besides DH not being excited about a girl).

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sick :(

Sore throat, headache, low grade fever... ugh. I actually called in sick to work (haven't done that in a year). Praying that this is nothing serious. I'm trying to drink lots of fluids and get rest.

I'm looking forward to my appointment next week. I want and need reassurance that this little one is growing.