Sunday, February 15, 2009

St. Valentine's Day

It was an unusual Valentine's Day. DH and I met with the Confirmation class leaders to plan the retreat for next week, which went really well. Then I went to a funeral for a woman I used to work with. That was difficult. She was such an amazing woman and will really be missed. Her life made such an impact on so many people. Then I went to church to pray for a while which was really good. Then DH and I had red wine, crackers, cheese, and strawberries while we played Scrabble. For dinner, we had Chinese and watched "Fireproof" (which was really good despite the amateur acting). It was a good night, but ended with me puking for a good hour... what a romantic end to the evening!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Taking some time for God

I'm taking a break from The Nest... a difficult thing for me to do... first time in over a year. I've been so interested in the stories of those wonderful women, but I need to focus on real life. I need to stop wasting time on the computer. It's been too difficult to be there without the hope of a baby in my near future. And as my anniversary of my m/c coming up, I don't want to dwell on the past and what could of been. I need to focus on my future and the now.

I've been more and more involved at church and working with the high schoolers there. It's taught me so much and has really connected me back with my faith and with God. My faith is so important to me, but I don't live that reality out. I'm working on that. I have a list of new books I want to read and have been spending more time at church and in prayer. It's been good for me. I'll continue to keep the nest women and all women who are going through a miscarriage in my prayers.