Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New nephew!

My sister had her baby this past weekend. I got to see them via webcam and he is sooo cute! He has a ton of hair and is so cuddly and precious. Times like this make me miss being closer to my family. I'm planning to stay with my sister for a week next month and help her out. I'm really looking forward to meeting my nephew and seeing my sister!
Two more girls at work are now expecting. I'm happy for them! Lots of prayers that my turn will be next.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bad timing

Our summertime TTC may be a little difficult. Apparently it's easier if DH & I are in the same state to make a baby. I will be out of town during the next 2 cycles at the time I should be o'ing. It's not even DH's crazy business trips that are getting in the way this time. It's my own travels! Then the next month, we have to get pregnant or else TTC will be on hold for a couple of months because of a wedding next year. I don't think I can wait any more! I sure hope it somehow happens soon!

I'm still obsessed with baby stuff. I have lists galore of to-do's, baby item purchases, nursery plans, etc. I even picked out the travel system I want! Did you know Bed Bath & Beyond has baby stuff now?! I think that's fantastic!

I really hope I'm not setting myself up for extreme dissappointment.

Monday, June 1, 2009

June already?!

Here's what I've been up to lately...

I've just spent most of my free time this past week reading through MckMama's blog. I'm still not finished, but I had started following it last fall, but had never read from the beginning (as I do with most of the blogs I follow). Sometimes blogs are better than my novels I love to read. I love stories of real life, struggles and joys.

Discussing the possiblity of living in Europe... DH has been struggling with job stuff. He's not happy in his current position. One of his coworkers revealed a few opportunities opening up and he's opted to voice his interest in the one in Europe! We have discussed this possibility before and I would be very nervous about it, but would be on board for the adventure. It would most likely be only for a few years and wouldn't probably happen for about a year. Hopefully having a newborn in tow would be an extra challenge in that adventure!

Cleaning/Nesting: With TTC efforts in full speed ahead this summer, I'm starting to nest already! The room that will be our first nursery is currently my "office." I planned from the beginning for this to be a nursery. It's a gorgeous calming blue color (regardless of the baby's gender, it will remain blue). My desk will move downstairs, and I'll have to relocate all of my "junk" (I'm a bit of a pack-rat). I've been trying to weed through all of that stuff now.

So, that's what I've been up to!