Monday, September 28, 2009

Father of the Bride II

I love this movie! I rented it the other day and have watched it twice. I cry within the first 10 minutes of the movie. It's so great! And I bawl when Bryan gets there just in time for Annie to have her baby! DH thinks I'm crazy. I just tell him I'm pregnant. :)

Our news is pretty much out to everyone now. DH let it spill to his whole office and most people had my work have heard also (I've been feeling so sick and people have been guessing). It makes me a little nervous since we still haven't heard a heartbeat and am only 8 weeks. It is wonderful to be able to talk to my mom and sister about everything.

I'm so grateful for this little blessing in our lives! Praying it's ours to keep!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Told the parents!

... finally! It took forever to get both web cams working, but we were able to tell them and see their reaction. Not quite as good as in person, but I couldn't wait another month! I just kind of blurted it out and I think it really stunned them, but they are so excited! It's driving them crazy that I haven't told my sister or brother yet. They are busting at the seams wanting to talk about it to everyone. I can't wait to tell my sister. I was hoping to do it on web cam again, but I don't think that will probably work out. I can't wait to see them all next month!

When I got home from work last night, DH busts out a bag from BRU. He went there for the first time ever all by himself and bought some preggie pops and pregnancy teas for me. He is such a sweetie. (But I think he was a little traumatized by BRU...) He wants to register at REI instead. :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm back!

... and I'm so nauseated. All of the time. But I'm still pregnant, so it's okay! I'm starting to stress that I'm not able to eat much. Nothing sounds appealing to eat. I'm really trying to get something down every now and then, but just the thought of food makes me want to puke.
Our trip was nice. We told DH's family and they were excited. We just told them... nothing special like I wanted to do. Now I need to figure out how/when to tell my own family. I think I'll need to tell work very soon with how I'm feeling.
It is nice to feel pregnant, but I wished all of these "tricks" for dealing with m/s actually worked for me. I will deal with this nausea for the rest of the 33 weeks as long as I get to hold a healthy baby in my arms!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Uneventful appointment

It went well! I really like the OB... the nurse wasn't too friendly (she didn't even tell me her name, just for me to go pee in a cup). I felt a little rushed because my OB had someone about to deliver, but it was an okay appointment and said she could do an ultrasound in a few weeks :)

DH & I are leaving for the next week... yeah for a vacation! We'll be telling his family then. I think the floodgates will be open after that. I feel like even if we miscarry again, I want to tell everyone about this baby. I don't feel like my angel baby is ever acknowledged because no one knew about that one.

Praying for safe travels and a healthy baby!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

1st appointment!

I have my first appointment tomorrow afternoon and I'm really looking forward to it but am also so nervous! I hope everything goes well. I'm creating a list of questions... I hope I ask the right questions. Here are the ones I have so far...
1) flu shot & H1N1 shots?
2) When to call? Who to call?
3) right PNV
4) any changes I should make with work (lifting, be on my feet, etc)
5) Appropriate weight gain for me?

I think I also ask to get my HCG & progesterone checked just for peace of mind. Could a heartbeat be heard at 5w5d? Probably too early...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

So tired

I'm exhausted right now. Between the insomnia, three 14 hour days at work in a row, and my exhaustion from being pregnant, I can't wait to go to bed.

I'm so thrilled to be 5 weeks and 3 days! Most pregnant ever!

Okay, so now I'm going to bed.

Monday, September 7, 2009


It's about 3am here... I'm up as usual. Almost every night I've been up at this time because I am starving! I'm trying my best to eat healthy snacks (just had some yogurt). Now I can't fall back to sleep. This could be a problem on work days when I have to get up at 5am! I'm getting really nervous as I approach the 5w2d mark. I feel like I really need to get to week 6 to feel better.
Anyway, thank you to Alyssa for your help with my ticker! (I'm a little "tech-stupid") :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

5 weeks!

I'm so happy I've made it to 5 weeks, but really will feel good about making it to 6 weeks. I hoping to get to see someone on Friday, but DH and I are having a huge debate of midwife vs OB... I want a midwife, but DH wants an OB. I think I'm loosing that battle, so I'm hoping I can find an OB that has a midwife in the practice. (I haven't been able to find that yet, though). Right now I have an appointment set up with an OB that my PCP recommended, so we'll see if I stick with that.

Anyone know how to get whole my ticker to show up?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dreams and telling

I had a miscarriage dream last night. :( I've had so many baby dreams in the past, but nothing since I got pregnant.

Yesterday, I went to our church's bookstore and got this "Expecting a miracle" book. The woman who was working there was so excited I'm pregnant. She said "A lot of people at this church are going to be very happy!" Then last night we told our priest (he's also a good friend who's our age). He was so happy for us and gave us a special blessing. DH had asked him to pray for us when we were TTC.

Starting to feel a little nauseated at times, but nothing too bad. I'm just glad I'm starting to feel more and more pregnant!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I am so excited to be getting symptoms! My breasts are a little sore and every smell is driving me crazy! Yippie! Now, bring on the morning sickness!

I'm sure I'll eat my words in no time... especially when I'm on a cruise in a few weeks!

Still spotting-free! I'm so glad and hopeful!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Things are good... I hope

I think this little spotting was a reminder I need to cool it a little at work. I am on my feet for at least 10 out of 12 hours of my shift. I can't be doing all of the moving and lifting I'm used to. It's not worth the risk. I'm being so cautious with everything else right now (no caffeine, keeping HR <150 at the gym, no lunchmeat, etc). I had myself convinced I was going to miscarry. It's like a survival mechanism to not get too attached & plan for the worse.

Good news is I am no longer spotting. I'll be going to my primary doctor Friday and hope to have some labs drawn. I'm not sure when I'll get to see an OB. I'm trying to find if my insurance covers a midwife group that was recommended (and I'm trying to convince DH that I don't need an "MD" to have a baby).

Thank you so much for your prayers! All looks good at this point!


Yesterday I was busy at work running around, pushing beds & lifting patients. On the drive home I felt some strong cramping that lasted just a second, then I had some spotting when I came home. I was so terrified last night. But so far, no more spotting, but this is just how my m/c started last time. I had spotting, then bleeding about 12-20 hours later. Good news is that I was canceled at work today, so will be able to relax a little more. I'm still hopeful for this pregnancy, but I'm even more scared to be so. I don't want to get my hopes up.
