Monday, May 17, 2010

Caroline is here!

My sweet baby Caroline is here! She was born just a few days early... I was induced due to high blood pressure. I was really disappointed because I really wanted to go naturally and was worried how I'd do with the Pitocin. But thanks to an amazing husband and a fairly quick labor, I was able to do it! I had her within 6 hours of them starting the Pitocin. I ended up with a 3rd degree tear which still hurts a lot, but things are going really well! I'll have to elaborate on the whole birth story later... right now I just want to spend every moment with my precious daughter.

I'm so thankful to have my precious little girl here safe in my arms.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

39 weeks

How far along: 39 weeks

Total weight gain: 40 lbs still. no gain this week

How much does baby weigh: 6-7-8... ? hopefully not too big!

Maternity clothes: yup, still wearing them

Stretch marks: none :)

Sleep: okay off & on. getting to sleep has been the biggest challenge since this baby is a night owl and is still squirming at midnight.

Best moment this week: being done with working full time!

Movement: lots of it. I think this little one is running out of room!

Food cravings: none

Belly button in or out: if the baby is positioned just so, it's an outie now!

What I miss: being busy (I'm sure I won't miss that for long)

What I'm looking forward to: having my baby!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A May Baby it is...

I'm feeling much better... now I'm just ready to have my baby in my arms! I know I need to be patient since it could still be another 2+ weeks away. I've been trying to stay really active (1 hour work-outs at the gym and lots of walking). I'm running out of things to do around the house (at least the things that I somewhat want to do).
I'm glad May is finally here, though! This is your month Little One!