Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Nice Weekend & SIL rant

DH & I escaped for a romantic get-away for our anniversary this past weekend. We read books, played games, watched movies, sat by the fire and talked, ate ice cream, ate cheese, drank wine... it was nice! But now it's on with the daily routine of life.

My BIL & SIL seem to be struggling with being new parents. I've never truly been a parent, so maybe I shouldn't even judge, but I can't help but think if it were me, I would be able to be a great mother and enjoy it! I feel so resentful toward them sometimes. My SIL was the one who was supposed to have a difficult time getting pregnant and a difficult pregnancy, and she gets pregnant in no time and with no major problems. Now it seems like she's not enjoying being a mother and can't handle the job with help from the grandmas! Ugh... I feel awful about myself for feeling so ill toward her, but I just do and I can express that here.

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