Sunday, January 17, 2010

V-day! 24 weeks

How far along: 24 weeks

Total weight gain: 12 pounds- yikes!

How much does baby weigh: I think about a pound now?

Maternity clothes: I need more now... time for another shopping spree

Stretch marks: nope

Sleep: I have to be very careful not to lie on my back now (baby's not getting good blood flow when I do), so I'm not sleeping much anymore.

Best moment this week: Finally getting DH to register with me!

Movement: lots... keep 'em coming kid! I need the reassurance

Food cravings: chocolate

Belly button in or out: In, but it's starting to peek out

What I miss: being able to sleep

What I'm looking forward to: Having this baby here safe and sound.


Shanny said...

Hope you can get your shopping spree in there, one that will make you tired enough to really be knocked out sleeping for a lil while. You more than half way there, yay =)

Summerstarr said...

Yay! That's a great milestone! Congrats!