Thursday, August 7, 2008

Another strange dream...

The other night, I had a vivid dream that I was at a work conference and 3 of my co-workers got BFPs at the same time... I bawled in the dream and was so sad and nobody understood.

Last night I dreamt I had a baby girl! I was so baffled in my dream that I was told I had a m/c, had an internal US, multiple BFNs, but was pregnant after all! Anther bizarre part was that DH was not there, but my parents and siblings were. Because he wasn't there, I wouldn't tell anyone her name because I wanted to make sure DH was okay with the name. She was beautiful though... dark brown hair, big dark eyes, cute pink outfit... Now I've been thinking about this dream all day. It's making me ache more for a baby. Holding her was so real in my dream.


Andrea said...

I have had dreams about TTC/pregnancy too. I just had a dream a few days ago that I was pregnant with twins and then a couple of weeks before that I had a dream that I had a little boy. I was really hoping that was a sign I was pregnant, but didn't have any luck last cycle.

Andrea said...

I tagged you :-)