I'm getting so curious if my little one is a boy or a girl. I can't wait to meet him or her! Here are some old wive's tales put to the test:
Sleep Position: Prefer sleeping on your left side: boy. Right side: girl. I probably sleep more on my left side, but that may just be because I know that's better for the baby. BOY
Extreme nausea means you are having a daughter. I had bad nausea in the first trimester. GIRL
Dry hands: boy. Soft hands: girl. This one is quite conditional. I'm a nurse and wash my hands a zillion times a day, so they tend to be dry a lot of the time. BOY
Craving citrus: girl. Not really. BOY
Acne: girl. My skin has gotten better with pregnancy! BOY
Clumsy during pregnancy: boy. Graceful: girl. If I had to choose one I'd say clumsy. BOY
Face weight gain: girl. Yeah, I've had multiple comments about gaining weight in my face. GIRL
Craving salt during pregnancy: boy. Craving sweets: girl. Sweets. GIRL
Pregnancy mood swings: girl. These haven't been too bad, DH even says so. BOY
Carrying baby low: boy. Carrying baby high: girl. I've been told I'm carrying high, even though I feel like I'm carrying low, but I'll go with what other people are saying. GIRL
Carrying baby in front: boy. Weight spaced all around middle: girl. Middle. GIRL
Model Your Hands: "Show me your hands." If you would hold your hands palms up it's a girl. Down? You're having a boy. Up. GIRL
Even and Odd Numbers: If your age and year of conception are both even or odd, it's girl. One even, one odd means a boy. GIRL
Baby's Heartbeat: If the baby's heart beats more than 150 times per minute, you're pregnant with a girl. Less than 150, it's a boy. I can't answer this one... It's usually right around 150 and has been both above and below.
Stress Test: A child tends to be of the same sex as the parent who is less stressed at the time of conception. DH tends to always be more stressed than me. GIRL
Dream Meanings: If you dream about having a girl while pregnant, you will wind up having a boy and vice versa. I can't answer this one either. I've had both girl and boy dreams.
Breast Size: If your right breast is larger than the left while pregnant, you are having a girl. If the left is larger, it's a baby boy. Left side is always larger. BOY
So the final tally is: Girl 8, Boy 7. Hmmmm.... we'll see in about another month!