Monday, November 16, 2009

Maternity Jeans!

I wore my first piece of maternity clothes yesterday... jeans! My regular jeans are too uncomfortable at the end of the day, so I bought a pair at Old Navy. It's strange having elastic wasted jeans, but they are much more comfortable. I can't wait to start feeling the baby. I'm really starting to feel more connected to him or her. I had an appointment last Thursday and I got to hear the baby's heart beating. My OB said she could hear it moving around a lot on the doppler. Wow! Our little one is moving around in there!
Pregnancy is such an amazing and beautiful thing!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

How exciting! I remember I wore maternity jeans for the first time when I went for the big ultrasound. I was so happy about it. :-)

Speaking of the big ultrasound, when is yours scheduled?