Monday, November 9, 2009

Baby girl dream

I'm feeling better.. got tested for strep throat which was luckily negative.

I had a long detailed baby dream the other night. I had a baby girl and DH was really disappointed. Then I dreamt a lot about breastfeeding (luckily it was going really well in my dream). I saw lots of my extended family in my dream and it was a really good dream for the most part (besides DH not being excited about a girl).

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better! I love baby dreams...I would always wonder if they meant anything in particular, but I always dreamed I was having a girl and obviously that wasn't true!

Funny that you also dreamed about breastfeeding! Just after I had Evan I would dream about breastfeeding every night. It was so weird because I'd dream about feeding him, then he'd wake up crying. I'd be so confused, thinking I had JUST fed him, then I'd realize it was a dream.