Saturday, April 11, 2009

Trying to be patient

I'm trying really hard to be patient. I am a really patient person, but I'm so stinkin' anxious & excited to get pregnant again that I can't stand it! Luckily, the coming months will be very busy with trips and weddings and work.

This Lent & Easter time has been really great. I've been reading the daily readings everyday or going to daily Mass. I'm also reading "Life-Giving Love" by Kimberly Hahn. It's been really insightful and encouraging. Anyway, I spent 6 hours at church yesterday for Good Friday services. For 3 of those hours, I just sat and prayed and thought. It was so peaceful. The teens at our church did the "Living Stations" which was so incredibly powerful it brought tears to my eyes. The more I learn about my faith, the more I am moved and amazed at God's immense love. We'll be going to the Easter Vigil in the morning and then having friends over for a late lunch. I'm putting together Easter eggs for their kids to look for.

I can't help but think about last year at Easter. I found out I was pregnant just after. A woman at church on Easter had asked us our names so she could pray for us to have kids. Only God had known I was pregnant at that time.

In God's perfect time, I suppose...

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