Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Blues

Well, it wasn't terrible... it wasn't great. I got to be with my own mother... but didn't get to be acknowledged as a mother. Last year at my own church, our priest had all of the women stand up for a special mother's day blessing and I thought it was silly since I didn't have any children. This year, I was at my parent's church and they had all of the mothers and mothers-to-be stand. This caused immediate waterworks on my part. I bawled the rest of the way through church. I was supposed to have been a mother-to-be today. I was supposed to have made the big announcement to my family today. It would have been perfect. Now all I have is an angel baby nobody knows or seems to care much about.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Omigosh...I so went through the same thing on Mother's Day and remember thinking years before how silly this blessing was!