Monday, May 17, 2010

Caroline is here!

My sweet baby Caroline is here! She was born just a few days early... I was induced due to high blood pressure. I was really disappointed because I really wanted to go naturally and was worried how I'd do with the Pitocin. But thanks to an amazing husband and a fairly quick labor, I was able to do it! I had her within 6 hours of them starting the Pitocin. I ended up with a 3rd degree tear which still hurts a lot, but things are going really well! I'll have to elaborate on the whole birth story later... right now I just want to spend every moment with my precious daughter.

I'm so thankful to have my precious little girl here safe in my arms.


Andrea said...

Congratulations!!!!!! I can't wait to hear more about the birth and hopefully see a picture. :-)

Andrea said...

I hope everything is going well!!