I was going to type "the latest pregnancy scare" but I don't want to call it that. It's not a scare; it's a blessing. I'm to the point that I get disappointed during these times when it turns out we didn't get pregnant. I shouldn't be disappointed, especially because we're not trying to have a baby; just not trying as hard not to.
So this month I had surgery on day 1 of my cycle (for a fracture repair) and therefore was not paying much attention to my mucous or taking my temps this cycle. On day 23, we figured we were fine pretty much solely based on the day... not such a great idea if we really were trying to prevent. My cycles range from 26-34 days and now on day 31, still no AF. I've had cramps and PMS symptoms for a few days now and I'm a little suspicious. I guess I'll wait until day 34 before a HPT. I would be excited to be pregnant, but this is not the best time to be since I'm supposed to be getting more x-rays soon. Not sure what I'm thinking. My gut says I'm not pregnant.
On Giving Thanks in the Thick of It
9 years ago