Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Yesterday I was busy at work running around, pushing beds & lifting patients. On the drive home I felt some strong cramping that lasted just a second, then I had some spotting when I came home. I was so terrified last night. But so far, no more spotting, but this is just how my m/c started last time. I had spotting, then bleeding about 12-20 hours later. Good news is that I was canceled at work today, so will be able to relax a little more. I'm still hopeful for this pregnancy, but I'm even more scared to be so. I don't want to get my hopes up.



Andrea said...

I'm praying for you!

A said...

I just came here from Andrea's blog- I will be praying for you!!!

Joy@WDDCH said...

*HUGS* I know your fear and I'm sorry you're in this limbo right now.

I've had 2 miscarriages. This pregnancy (I'm 33 weeks now) I had a bit of spotting after walking up a hill that was incredibly steep, like walking up a mountain side. It could be all that work you're doing.

I hope everything is okay!