I didn't realize how difficult this week would be. I was pregnant one year ago. This is the anniversary of the week I found out I was pregnant, then later lost the baby. I thought after a year it wouldn't be on my mind quite as much, but these dates are such strong reminders. I so want to have my baby in my arms right now. I still get so mad at God for taking my baby... it's so difficult to understand why this happened. I'm keeping very busy this week, so hopefully this time will pass and only get better.
*HUG* I had thought that after I year I wouldn't hurt as much either. I also thought getting pregnant again would help relieve some of the pain and bitterness, but it really hasn't. I'm so sorry you had to go through that and will be thinking of you this week.
Oh sweetie... I can imagine the grief you're going through. I recently noticed my BFP anniversary date is quickly approaching and it's devastating that I'm still here trying. ((HUGS))
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