Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Trying To Conceive After a Loss
This is the fairly new board on The Nest Baby that I am lately having a love/hate relationship with. First of all, I can completely understand the need for this board. While the saddness of a miscarriage stays with us forever, there is a point when we need to get past the grief and be excited about TTC again. Moving on, however, is hurting the Pregnancy Loss board. Many of the great TTCAL women are great about coming over and replying and saying kind words to the new losses, but that's all there is. Few other posts are showing up on PL except the sad posts of grief.
I'm not ready to move on, I'm not ready to TTC again, but I'm not as sad and grieving as much anymore. It's becoming harder to reply to the PL posts and I don't feel the need to be on the board nearly as much. I'm not much of a post initiator, but want to bring something to the PL board that would be beneficial to the women there. It helped me so much when I was going through my m/c... So, what do I do?

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